Spark is proud to announce the nominees for our 2017 Outstanding Pro Bono Consultant Award!
Each year Spark recognizes one individual or company who has shown themselves to be a leader in the community by providing their time, energy and expertise, all pro bono, to a Spark match. This year, the community organizations we work with have nominated six volunteers for their contributions:
- Elise Epp (graphic design) and Jill Knaggs (marketing) for their work with L’Arche Winnipeg’s social enterprise, Tova Cafe, to develop a new tagline and logo
- Dennis Dyck, retired Executive Director, for his mentorship work new E.D. Michelle Falk at the Manitoba Association for Rights and Liberties
- Steve McCullough for his photography work with the Socail Purchasing Portal, an ethical shopping guide organized by LITE, Local Investment Toward Employment
- Statistician Stephanie Sproule for her work with the John Howard Society of Manitoba to plan and develop a database for their bail program
- Richard Dilay, organizational effectiveness consultant, for his work with the Manitoba League of Persons with Disabilities to plan an accessibility consultation service
The winner will be announced March 22nd.
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