OVRC - Karen V. Keith R, Karen V watermarkedKeith Robinson is the coordinator at the Osborne Village Resource Centre. The OVRC acts as a bridge and resource, connecting people who are unemployed and under-employed to the labour market. While they’ve been around since 1996, and have successfully connected thousands of people to employment, they are now in the midst of some major transitioning of their own.

Over the next while, the OVRC will become an independent non-profit organization with their own Board of Directors, HR and financial systems and many other new responsibilities.

Karen Velthuys is the Executive Director at Youth Employment Services, Manitoba, and is a longtime Spark Pro Bono Consultant. Karen has agreed to be Keith’s mentor: to help him and the OVRC plan the transition, seek out the resources and people they need, problem solve, troubleshoot and finally launch out on their own.