
Dinis and Art planning their match

BUILD is a social enterprise based in Winnipeg’s North End. It is both a training program and a place of employment for people who face barriers to entering the work force. BUILD’s crews do apartment turnovers and retrofit homes with insulation. Through this, they accomplish many important things all at once: employing neighbourhood people, cutting crime, lowering utility bills, and decreasing the emission of greenhouse gasses.

Dinis Prazeres is president of local company JEDS Construction. He’s got many years of experience in the construction industry. He is a strong supporter of entrepreneurs, leadership and community through participation in Leadership Winnipeg, and as incoming president of the local chapter of Entrepreneurs’ Organization.  We here at Spark thought he’ll be a fantastic mentor for BUILD’s Executive Director Art Ladd, so we’ve matched them up.

Over the next year, Dinis and Art will be putting their Spark mentorship match into action. They’ll be meeting regularly to discuss and scheme on all things related to the construction sector, as well as new opportunities for BUILD.


If you work for a community development organization in Winnipeg and are looking for short-term, project-specific help, or if you’d like to volunteer your expertise, start here. Our matches make it possible for organizations to achieve what they can’t do on their own – be part of that change today!
