pro bono hr help

Mel (l) and Shirley (c) are working with consultant Crystal (r) to update job descriptions at the Centre

Eyaa-Keen Healing Centre is a long-established centre specializing in an Indigenous-based healing approach to historic trauma and for Indian Residential School Survivors and inter-generational/extended family. The centre has gone through many changes since 1999, having started with Mel and Shirley Chartrand, growing as a funded healing centre, and currently revising as they find a growing demand for more land-based/cultural supports. This, of course, includes the staff compliment: Eyaa-Keen is engaging in an assessment with their staff, detailing what skills they bring, and where they may want further training, skill development or traditional knowledge. While each person was hired to perform a particular job, Mel and Shirley have been leading each employee through a process to identify their aspirations within the services of Eyaa-Keen. To that end, Eyaa-Keen got in touch with Spark to help bring in some external HR expertise to meet these goals while maintaining their value based approach.

This is where Crystal Laborero, principal at Laborero Consulting and human resources expert, comes in. She has extensive experience in Aboriginal human resource issues, and community development, and has a rather impressive list of experience and accomplishments. Crystal has also done a match with Spark before.

Over the course of this match, Crystal will be working with some members of the Eyaa-Keen team to help them clarify their current and envisioned roles, leading to stronger employee engagement, and allowing the team to identify other skills they may need to bring on board.